About us

Built for

all people with sperm

proactive guys planning ahead

fertility optimisers

acting today to maximise the chances of having a healthy family

now & your future

It's overlooked & taboo, yet men are half the fertility equation
Average sperm quality is in rapid decline globally & it's getting worse every year
Testing at a clinic is outdated, emasculating, inconvenient & off-putting
Optimised sperm quality can lead to quicker conception, healthier pregnancies and healthier children
Infertility is not static: sperm health can be almost always be improved with targeted action
The burden of fertility testing falls unfairly on female partners

With Jack, it's personal
Our co-founder, Nick, understands firsthand the struggles of infertility, having overcome them to become a father of two.
His personal experience has driven him to create a better way for men to proactively take control of their fertility journeys with Jack Fertility.
Our purpose-driven mission is to bring hope and positivity to the topic of sperm health, breaking down the taboos and barriers to getting tested that exist today.

Jack Fertility’s HQ
Wood Centre for Innovation Oxford

We're a proudly purpose-led and innovative British company.
Based in Oxford, we have access to some of the brightest minds and cutting-edge research on sperm. Our dedicated semen analysis lab has been built from the ground up with a sole focus on male reproductive health.
Whilst never compromising on results and the science, we take a consumer-first approach in an industry that often overlooks it.
We have paid meticulous attention to every detail and use human-centred design principles, ensuring that the entire testing process is as easy as possible for you to get the answers you need.

Jack Fertility’s HQ Wood Centre for Innovation Oxford

Our values
Jack’s core values were developed together with the Oxford Character Project, using both our hearts and the latest cutting edge research

There will be a better way to test, a way to help people improve their health & create a family

All people with sperm deserve to have control over their fertility

How to make messy problems better & smash taboos

Elegant and clear solutions to make everything as easy as possible

Handling samples and health data with the utmost care regarding a sensitive issue and maintenance of discretion

Read Jack’s industry-first Sustainability Statement


Jack Fertility has a sector-first Net Zero pledge and sustainability statement

We use Royal Mail for kit delivery and returns because it is the UK's greenest delivery option, with carbon-negative or neutral last mile delivery

Our lab is actively working towards My Green Lab® certification

Our thoughtful design ethos prioritises sustainability by utilising recyclable cardboard in our kits and minimising waste. We only use non-recyclable materials where medically necessary.

Founded by
Having first met as students at the University of Oxford, Nick and Lily founded Jack Fertility to revolutionise the accessibility of sperm testing for individuals everywhere.

Advised by

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Get in touch
We’re a young, ambitious team that's just getting started and we would love to hear from you.